Current Concerns

Current Concerns to Prepare For

This page is devoted to what others have said regarding are the most pressing things that they feel are coming and that we need to prepare for.


It's important to recognize what is happening to our Food Supplies across the world. Anyone who puts their head in the sand and ignores the obvious facts are going to suffer tremendously! We need to get our act in order and get enough food to survive these things. Events like this don't automatically bounce back in a few weeks or months. They may NEVER bounce back as it will destroy the economies of the world and that takes decades to get in proper order.

Nuclear War? Can we survive? Yes!

With all the latest going on in the world, we now face the real possibility of Nuclear War. According to Vladimir Putin, he wasn't bluffing. That is a frightening prospect for the world's future. That can bring fear on everyone and fear doesn't do well for anyone. The goal is to recognize the problem and take the proper steps to deal with such a future as it can be survivable. This video goes through very detailed information for those who are not in direct fire of a nuclear bomb.

Banking Crisis?

2008 was one of the largest banking crisis is that America and the world have ever faced. The problem is, the current financial condition the instability of worldwide banks appears to be worse today than it was back then. This video reviews a number of important statistics regarding this issue. It also goes into a couple of other alarming increases in costs and the fact that many small businesses have closed their doors. Gold and silver is becoming very difficult to find because everybody's buying it. If these numbers are accurate, we have a very rough financial road ahead. I hope your house is in order.

Preparing for Disaster

We've all heard about the numerous physical disasters prophesied to occur on earth. Many people do not realize just how many of those prophecies are events that occur because of natural, scientific, geological, and cosmological powers. Our beloved Sun, which heats and warms our earth, is also the cause of many of the disasters that have occurred since its creation. This video goes over his predicted series of events about the unfolding catastrophe that will hit us. Some of this will be new to you, and some may scoff at the predictions, but I've been studying this for many years and believe he's onto something worth considering here. Enjoy.

CIVIL WAR? Not for a while, at least.

City Prepper is one of my favorite Prepping channels as he doesn't get so fearful and emotional. He always gives solid and sound advice as to what to do and how to prepare. There has been much talk about a possible Civil War in America and from watching the news it would be easy to see taking place, but Kris here says we should not fear this for now. We should prepare for it, but he thinks we have time to get ready and not get fearful and concerned to the point of paralysis.

Droughts Around The World

China is reeling under a record-breaking drought. Its largest river Yangtze has dried up. Its largest fresh-water lake Poyang has been reduced to a trickle. The receding water levels have revealed 3 ancient Buddhist statues. Palki Sharma reports.

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